Awakening Your Light Body with Ray Hix

Tapes For Light Body Graduates Only

The tapes on this page are only available to people who have learned the seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers as taught by DaBen (through his channel Duane Packer). If you have learned these centers, either through me, or another light body teacher, or on tape from LuminEssence, you may find these journeys extremely valuable.

If you haven't learned these centers, yet find the topics of the following jourenys appealing, I highly recommend you contact me, or another teacher, or LuminEssence about taking the Awakening Your Light Body Course.

Magnificence: Well-being and Your Heart's Desire

These 8 guided journeys use the light body centers for greater manifestations of your highest flows. We made this album to nurture the nurturers, to bring fulfillment to the planetary workers who have contributed so much to others.
It's time for you to have your deepest longings brought to fruition.

Creating a New Paradigm of Contribution
Transforming the Path of the Bodhisattva

These guided journeys are to support "lightworkers who's path has been difficult" (Consciousness Clearers). These journeys use the light body centers to assist you in upleveling what it is to be a bodhisattva, so that you can make your contribution in ways that are much more nurturing for you, shifting to a more enjoyable path of making your contribution.

Life Purpose: Expressing Self
Consciously Creating Your Highest Forms and Optimal Participation

This is a course to bring clarity, consciousness, flow and alignment to your life. You will reach into higher, more pure essences of your Self than was previously possible, to find, expand, and know more of your life purpose, your reason for being alive at this time.
Even if you already know what you are here to do, this course will help you more fully embody the energy and light of your life purpose, and empower you to live your life purpose more masterfully.

The Art of Conscious Manifesting
Intentionally Creating Your Reality

These 8 guided journeys lead you in advanced
techiques for Creating and Dissolving Form

(The print materials are not yet ready for this album.)

Creating With Light: Frequencies of Fulfillment

24 Guided Journeys in Two 12- journey Tape Sets
In this course Theodore will show you specific frequencies of light
that will greatly empower you in fulfilling your life purpose here,
and how to use them for manifesting, and raising your vibration.

You can
You can also Phone Ray at (510) 525-7470

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Awakening Your Light Body Pages

AYLB Home Page
About the Awakening Your LIght Body Course | Enrollment Form
Graduate Services | Graduate Tapes | Light Body Counseling
Graduate Seminars | Messages For Graduates

Other Tape Selections

Enlightened Wizardry
Clarity: Lifting the Veils | Becoming Flow
Becoming a Channel For Miracles | Exploring Your Lord Self

Initiations From the Heart of God
Blessings From the Heart of God | Living As the Heart of God

Enlightened Communication | Forward in the Light

New Paradigm Contribution version for non-Light Body Grads

Radiant Heart Productions
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Copyright Ray Hix