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You can consciously function in ways such that you are Being the Solution as you engage in life, rather than struggling to produce results that "who you are being" will not allow.This book will empower you in:

•   Actively improving your ability to attract, allow, and enjoy         wonderful experiences

•   Developing strength of enlightened character

•   Lifting the veils that have locked your limitations in place

•   Creating and manifesting more accurately on purpose

•   Stepping into more magnificent expressions of Self

•   More masterfully making your contribution to others

•   Embodying higher qualities and states of being

Becoming a More Magnificent and

Purposeful Expression of the Heart of God


Being a Source of Love in the World: Book 2

Being Magnetic to Your Highest Good

The purpose of this book is not to teach people how to manifest things; this book is for becoming one who effortlessly manifests all that they need. What's the difference? The difference is your Altitude of Being: consciously functioning as an authentic expression of Divine Qualities.


The difference is in who you are and how you function. It's functioning in alignment with Higher Purpose; versus applying a technique on the world without bothering to change your self.

This is a powerful doorway into fulfilling your life purpose here. You could keep trying to express, create and contribute at the level you’re operating at now – or you could express, create and contribute from a completely higher vibration – in which not only are you set up to make a greater difference, but you're set up to make your difference with greater ease and flow.


Give yourself the blessing of improvement – as an expression of love for yourself. Allow yourself to excel, to create breakthroughs, and to radically transform the way you show up and function in life. I invite you to use this book for creating a breakthrough in quality – the ongoing, moment to moment quality of your life.

Price: $20.00
Description: 8.5x11” Perfect Bound, 221 pages
(This would be about 331 pages in standard paperback size)
I highly recommend you read Seeing Through Eyes That Bless before this book.