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Ray Hix - HoG2-Living As the Heart of God
These 12 guided journeys help infuse the energies and characteristics of an enlightened personality (mastery) into your energy field. In working with these journeys, you are bringing into your aura, the pure energy essence of enlightened paradigms, and enlightened ways of being and interacting.

As you build these energetic, "blueprint" distinctions into your energy field, enlightened ways of being and functioning will feel more natural for you. Whenever your mind reads about them or hears of them, those enlightened distinctions will light up for you with a far greater obviousness -- a feeling of "of course." Training your energy to function in this way enables you to more fully live these enlightened distinctions -- to not just know about them, but to have them expressing through your behavior.

There are many journeys in this album in which you will receive support from enlightened masters from dimensions of expanded light and radiance, who have achieved great mastery in the earth plane. The masters transmit to you, and hold a space for you to embody, and step into living these distinctions. They offer energetic support to evolve and enlighten your personality to help you Function As a Heart of God Infused Personality.

Price: € 61.58
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